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 Inglés tesauro
abrev. spindle speed
abrev., banc. short sight
abrev., constr. single strength
abrev., econ. standard specification
abrev., industr. superheated steam
abrev., perf. stainless steel; sandstone
constr. sections; single suspension; stainless steel (нержавеющая сталь или изделие из нее raptor-22)
estad. statistically significant (chuu_totoro)
industr. solid solution
polím. simple shear
moda. spring/summer (обозначение сезона, коллекции одежды oVoD)
abrev. superseded (A Hun)
abrev., automóv. sun screen
abrev., banc. special settlement
abrev., cienc. steam ship
abrev., electr. samples per second; solid/solid reaction; start/stop
abrev., espac. space shuttle; subsystem
abrev., fisiol., med. Signs and Symptoms
abrev., med. Signs & Symptoms
abrev., mil. steamship
abrev., perf. short string (relating to the shortest of two or more strings of tubing in a well with a multiple completion)
abrev., petról. same size
abrev., sajal. seam to seam (standard measurement on pressure vessels to go with T/T); seam-to-seam
abrev., segur. Steamship
mil. statement of service
abrev., cienc. salton sea; seaward slope; semi-simplicial; south syncline; Spectrographic Society
abrev., com. Singapore standard; standard size; store ship
abrev., econ. steamship
abrev., el c. signed and sealed
abrev., elim. smoke screen
abrev., negoc. short stick
abrev., textil sleeve slope
ferroc. slow speed
abrev., avia. situation and status
abrev., cuid., med. Signs & symptoms
abrev., jur.,SAC Signs & symptoms (ВВладимир)
abrev., lit. sword and sorcery (Поджанр фэнтези Technical)
abrev., mil. Supply and Service
abrev., mil., avia. shipping and storage
abrev., petról. spigot and socket (pipe)
abrev., polic. search-and-surveillance (наружка - сленг Val_Ships)
abrev., sist. significant and substantial (Health and Safety, about citations denkos)
industr. safe and stable; safeguards and security; sludges and slurries
S & S
abrev. shipping and storage; supply and service
mil. Stars & Stripes (газета)
abrev., electr. steric strokes per second
abrev., elim. curve stress-strain curve
abrev., ingen. spigot and socket joint
abrev., ingen. steady state
tec. sferic strokes per second
S. S.
abrev. stainless steel (LyuFi)
abrev., escoc. Sichelschmidt & Schlasse (Germany)
abrev., med. interchain disulfide bridge
abrev., telecom. step-by-step
S + S
abrev., telegr. speech + simplex equipment